Hey there, dear entrepreneurs! If you’re reading this, you’re probably bursting with excitement and creativity, ready to dive into the thrilling world of startups. But before you jump headfirst into the entrepreneurial ocean, you need a solid lifeboat—a good startup idea. In this blog, we’re going to explore how to gather and evaluate startup ideas. So, grab your thinking cap, and let’s travel on this exciting journey together!
Startup Ideas: 10 Questions to Ask
Let’s start with the basics. A startup isn’t just a business; it’s a commitment to an idea, a vision, and a cause. When you have a startup idea in mind, it’s crucial to ask yourself these ten key questions:
1. Founder-Market Fit: Are you the right team for this idea?
2. Market Size: Is the market large enough to support a startup?
3. Problem Significance: Is the problem acute and important?
4. Competition: Is there competition (indicating demand)?
5. Personal Interest: Do you or others personally want this?
6. Timing: Has something recently changed to create an opportunity?
7. Proxies: Are there similar companies or indicators of demand?
8. Long-Term Commitment: Are you willing to work on it for years?
9. Scalability: Is it a scalable business model?
10. Idea Space: Have you chosen a promising idea space?

Most Common Mistakes with Startup Ideas
Now, let’s talk about the pitfalls to avoid. Here are the four most common mistakes people make with their startup ideas:
1. Solution-First Approach: Don’t start with a solution or technology and then try to find a problem to solve.
2. Ignoring User Feedback: Always seek and incorporate user feedback during idea development.
3. Stuck on Ideas: Don’t pursue ideas that appear simple but have underlying complexities or structural issues.
4. Waiting for the Perfect Idea: Don’t delay startup initiation while waiting for the ideal concept, which may never materialize.
By staying curious and observant, you’ll uncover countless possibilities for your startup journey.
What Makes Your Startup Idea Good?
Startups that address a clear market need are 70% more likely to be successful.
Great startup ideas often stem from keen observation. Pay attention to the world around you, and keep your finger on the pulse of emerging trends and market gaps. You don’t need to invent something entirely new; sometimes, a small tweak or improvement to an existing product or service can lead to a successful startup.
Sometimes, what seems like a bad idea can turn out to be a hidden gem. Here are three factors that can transform a seemingly bad idea into a golden opportunity:
- Ideas that are Hard to Get Started
Embrace ideas that come with significant initial challenges, as they often have less competition and more potential for success.
- Ideas in a Boring Space
Don’t overlook opportunities in less glamorous industries; solving real problems in seemingly mundane sectors can lead to successful businesses.
- Ideas with Existing Competitors
Entering a market with competition can be a good sign, indicating demand. Stand out by identifying gaps and innovating.
Framework for Evaluating Startup Ideas
Now, let’s break down the evaluation process into six manageable steps:
- Identify the Problem You’re Solving (Product)
- Define Your Target Customers (Customers)
- Plan Your Marketing Strategy (Marketing)
- Analyze Your Competition (Competition)
- Plan for Growth (Development)
- Create a Minimum Viable Product (MVP)
The Process of Evaluating Ideas

Evaluating your startup idea is like conducting a fun science experiment. Imagine your idea as a guess or hypothesis, and you need to make it super convincing to succeed. Here’s how you can do it:
1. Popular Problems
First, think about the problem you’re trying to solve. You want to choose a problem that lots of people are dealing with. You know, like how everyone needs a phone these days? That’s a popular problem, and solving it got companies like Apple and Samsung big attention.
2. Growing Problems
Next, consider if the problem is getting bigger over time. If it is, that’s a good sign for your startup. Imagine if you started a company that made eco-friendly products. As people care more about the environment, your business could grow.
3. Urgent Problems
Now, think about how urgent the problem is. If it’s something people need a solution for right away, it can help you get customers quickly. Think about fixing a leaky roof during a rainy season. That’s urgent!
4. Expensive Problems
Sometimes, problems can be expensive to solve. But that’s okay because you can charge more for your solution. If you create a high-tech gadget to clean swimming pools, people might be willing to pay more for a hassle-free pool.
5. Mandatory Problems
Consider problems that people can’t avoid. These are like everyday annoyances that everyone faces. If you find a way to solve them, people will come running to you. Think about how much we rely on our internet connections these days.
6. Frequent Problems
Finally, think about how often people run into the problem. If it’s something that happens a lot, like running out of phone battery, you can have a steady stream of customers.
So, remember, when you’re evaluating your startup idea, look for these clues: popular, growing, urgent, expensive, mandatory, and frequent problems. If your idea checks these boxes, you’re on the right track to success!
Solution in Search of a Problem (SISP)
Identifying a problem is only the beginning. The real challenge is finding the insight behind your solution. Additionally, consider your unfair advantage:
1. Founder Advantage: Unique experience or expertise.
2. Market Advantage: A growing market is advantageous.
3. Product Advantage: Make a product significantly better.
4. Traction Advantage: Acquire customers efficiently.
5. Competitive Advantage: Aim for market dominance.
Understanding Your Revenue Model
Don’t reinvent the wheel. Analyze benchmark companies to answer crucial questions about your revenue model. This helps identify key levers for building a profitable startup:
- Fixed costs
- Variable costs
- Profitability
- Customer acquisition cost
- Customer lifetime value
- Revenue and expenses per transaction

Getting and evaluating startup ideas is a thrilling journey. Remember, your idea might not be perfect from the start, but with the right approach and mindset, you can turn it into a successful venture. So, pitch your ideas, embrace challenges, and embark on your entrepreneurial adventure today!
Are you a startup in need of guidance and funding support?
Don’t hesitate to reach out to us at pitch@bventure.com.