Pitch Your Startup Kindly fill in all the Details Carefully I, declare that the information provided in this application form is true and correct and haven't concealed any information that affects the assessment process by BVC. YesNo Name of the Company* City of Incorporation* Pin Code* Company's Website (URL)* Company Identification Number (CIN)* DPIIT Registration Number* MSME Registration Number* Team and Product Details of the Founding Team* Who are you? What makes you special? Please tell us more about the founding team and describe any relevant experience the founders have. Please include the LinkedIn profiles as well. No. of Employees* Please share the number of people currently working in the company (excluding the promoters/founders). Industry* Current Stage of Product Development IdeationProof of ConceptPrototype ReadyMinimum Viable ProductLaunched with early active usersCommercialized Describe the problem you are attempting to solve.* A more detailed description of the product you are building or service you offer. What does the startup do? Tell us more about your key product or solution to the problem(s) are you solving?* A more detailed description of the product you are building or service you offer. How far along are you in terms of product development? Are you ready to launch? Let us know. How big is the Market Opportunity?* Product demo URL* This can be the link to the live application OR a demo video (3 minutes max, please) of the prototype showing evidence of working developments. Please describe what is your product competitive advantage or barrier? What is new or interesting about it?* Who are your main competitors and how does your startup differentiate from them?* Link to your Startup's Pitch Deck* Progress So Far & Key Growth Metrics Please provide information on your traction & other key metrics that you are tracking?* e.g Metrics: # people served, # hospitals, # cities, % probable success, or any other metric which is suitable What is your average revenue (in INR) per month? What is your % growth rate in revenue in the past 6 months?* Example: Jan - INR xxxxxxx, Feb - INR xxxxxxx and so on How much money have you raised from external investors, if any?* Please share the details of funds raised till date, type (debt / equity financing / Grants), source of funding, current runway etc. If you have raised money from friends or immediate family, you can mark this as "No". This question will help us understand the needs of the startup and is not really a decision factor. What are the key objectives or challenges that you are currently working on?* Objectives define where you want to go. For example - Achieve 20% profitability -OR- Revamp your mobile UX or the product. And accordingly the key deliverables or results will be determined and you can measure your progress to achieve that objective What are the resources / support you'd need to accomplish your objectives?* More Details Anything you want to add that we forgot to ask?